How to Harden Debian/Ubuntu/Rocky Desktop

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Linux desktops have more moving parts and require less hardening than a server. These listed tweaks can be adapted for either debian/ubuntu/rocky linux type distributions.

Tuning SystemD Journal

We should limit the size of the journal in memory and on disk. This prevents the disk from being full. The logs would just roll over and keep the same size.

Edit and modify the below file; –

vim /etc/systemd/journald.conf

Tuning Console History

By defaults the history size is unlimited or too large. We should set a sane limit to around 25 lines.

Edit the below file and add the two lines for all unix users; –

vim ~/.bashrc
export HISTSIZE=100

Tuning System Limits

You can set system limits according to your business context. Servers can be highly restrictive. Desktops can be more loose

Below is an example for a desktop machine; –

sudo vim /etc/security/limits.d
# <domain>  <type>     <item>   <value>
# Base Defaults
*            -        nproc        350
*            -        maxlogins    1
*            -        nofile       60000
*            -        core         0
*            -        fsize        500000
ubuntu       -        maxlogins    2
ubuntu       -        nproc        2800
ubuntu       -        nofile       400000
ubuntu       -        fsize        9000000
ubuntu       -        priority    -10

Tuning Sudo

We should tune sudo to timeout after 5 minutes of escalation; –

vim /etc/sudoers.d/timeout
Defaults timestamp_timeout=5

We should have a dedicated headless admin user for all administration. Desktop users should remain least privileged and not escalate.

Tuning firewall

Install can configure a simple firewall; –

sudo apt install ufw
sudo ufw status verbose
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw status verbose
Status: active
Logging: on (low)
Default: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing), disabled (routed)
New profiles: skip

We allow outgoing traffic to any port because SSH should be on a nonstandard port other than 22. We are a desktop so we deny all incoming.

Tuning Your Boot Loader

We should disable the boot loader so that selinux, app armor, or any other kernel module cannot be disabled or changed upon boot loading.

In debian/ubuntu/linux mint we can do the below; –

vim /etc/default/grub
sudo update-grub

Tuning Your Kernel

On Rocky Linux 9.2 desktop the below should be updated to your system. A standard lynis audit system check will pick up the below.

sudo dnf install lynis
sudo lynis audit system
sudo vim /etc/sysctl.d/01-tuning.conf
# Disable core dumps
fs.suid_dumpable = 0
# Restrict access to kernel logs
# Hide kernel pointers
# Randomise memory space
# Disable System Request debugging functionality


We do not need a keyboard reboot when we have the power button on desktops and the hypervisor on servers.

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system.conf
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Tool Tuning

When performing sys admin, or even developing in a headless way, we should ideally use the screen command. This enables console locking in both emulated desktop console, and in headless TTY.

The defaults are sane but not installed to unix users. Install the sane defaults and add the timeout value below.

Install and configure screen;-

sudo dnf installs screen
sudo vim /etc/screenrc
idle 60 lockscreen
cp -f /etc/screenrc /profiles.d/.screenrc
cp -f /profiles.d/.screenrc ~/.screenrc

Although not security related, having sane defaults aids in system administration and development productivity.

Install and configure vim; –

sudo vim /etc/profiles.d/.vimrc
:set number
:setlocal cm=blowfish2
:set colorcolumn=100
:set winwidth=102
:set winminwidth=100
:set equalalways
:syntax on
:set tabstop=3
:set shiftwidth=3
:set expandtab
sudo cp /etc/profiles.d/.vimrc /root
sudo cp /etc/profiles.d/.vimrc /home/admin_sec
sudo cp /etc/profiles.d/.vimrc /home/research

Install lynis auditing tool; –

sudo apt install lynis
sudo lynis audit system

Locking Out Root

We should prevent root from logging into TTY via below; –

echo > /etc/securetty

We should disable root’s shell in passwd; –

sudo vim /etc/passwd

Root should have been locked out upon installation. However, if not, we should lockout the root user by generating a random password as its password; –

uuidgen | sudo passwd root --stdin
sudo passwd root --lock


AIDE is the open source revision of trip wire, for Advanced Intrusion Detection. It basically records file system attributes and their check sum hash. Any modifications are marked as suspicious and will be recorded in system logs.

A conservative snapshot of key system files should be used. The defaults are sane. Snapshots should be taken after RPM installations. Checking for changes should be initiated before RPM installations and system administration.

Automatic running is not recommended as this can wear out your SSD disk.

First install; –

sudo dnf install aide

Taking a snapshot for the first time; –

sudo aide --init --config /etc/aide.conf
sudo mv /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz

Taking another snapshot; –

sudo aide --update --config /etc/aide.conf
sudo mv /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz

Checking for changes/system tampering; –

sudo aide --check --config /etc/aide.conf

The defaults for aide.conf are sane. This tool can be used to make sure the system was not changed since the last administration. After system administration, you run an — update.

Next time you want to administer, you can check if there were any unauthorized system changes by running a — — check. This identifies malware, hacking and any other system level surprises.


This is a simple tool to use. It gives assurances that you have no common rookits installed

Install and configure via below; –

sudo dnf install rkhunter
sudo sed -i ‘s|\=http|=https|g’ /var/lib/rkhunter/db/mirrors.dat
sudo rkhunter --update

If the above update fails that is ok. The repository’s defaults are sane. We just want to protect our system from known root kit signatures.

Check system; –

sudo rkhunter --check

Snapshot file properties of system; –

sudo rkhunter --propupd

You should get a few warnings. This is normal for a fresh install.


Rocky linux is the most stable desktop distribution with selinux. Debian is not stable even though selinux is compiled into the kernel by default.

This is the main immutability tool. It groups system files and binaries by “context” type so that read/write/execute are enabled only within their context. SELinux can be configured to deny by default by removing unconfined_t usage and enabling sysadm_r for system configuration. Root can be confined as system_t context.

SELinux in debian breaks firefox at the time of this writing. Rocky linux has mature selinux modules that prevents applications from breaking. We should enable enforcing of selinux for Rocky Linux and other Red Hat type distributions

We confine a least privileged user via below; –

sudo semanage login -l
sudo semanage login -a -s staff_u admin_sec
sudo semanage login -l

We confine root user via below; –

sudo semanage login -a -s system_u root

We set the default context to the existing selinux user; –

sudo semanage login -l
sudo semanage login -m -s system_u __default__
sudo semanage login -l

We prevent unconfined_r escalation via below; –

sudo semanage user --list
semanage user -m -R 'staff_r sysadm_r system_r’ staff_u
semanage user -m -R 'staff_r sysadm_r system_r' root
semanage user -m -R 'system_r’ system_u

To deharden and administer a system and escalate as unconfined_r; –

sudo semanage user --list
semanage user -m -R 'staff_r sysadm_r system_r unconfined_r' staff_u
semanage user -m -R 'staff_r sysadm_r system_r unconfined_r' root
semanage user -m -R 'system_r unconfined_r' system_u

To administer in most scenarios we escalate as sysadm_r; –

sudo -r sysadm_r vim /etc/security/limits.d/limits.conf


Linux has many moving parts. By default they may not be as secure as they could be. This blog lists hardening points that do not break a desktop. I hope someone found this blog useful.


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