Why manage your own dns resolver?
Australia is in the top ten of targeted countries according to this cybercx article https://cybercx.com.au/news/australia-one-of-the-top-ten-countries-targeted/
By managing your own resolver, you decide what gets blocked.
There are free phishing lists openphish.com, and phishtank.com, you would want these as part of your dns block list.
Throughout this article we will use files from https://github.com/ed-roof-maker/gateway-firewall
This article will show instructions for both Linux and OpenWRT.
Configure your whitelists.
git clone git@github.com:ed-roof-maker/gateway-firewall.git
cd dns
vim whitelist
Update anti phishing dbs; –
cd db_openphish
wget https://openphish.com/feed.txt
cd db_phishtank
wget http://data.phishtank.com/data/online-valid.csv
Generate hosts file –
bash gen-hosts.sh
The above command over arches Steven Black’s hosts file generator. We configure it with our own blacklists and whitelists. Below is the overarching bash logic.
cp -f ${cwdd}/whitelist ${cwdd}/hosts/
cat ${OP} | cut -d / -f 3 > ${TMP}/OP.txt
cat ${PT} | cut -d , -f 2 | cut -d / -f 3 > ${TMP}/PT.txt
cat ${TMP}/OP.txt ${TMP}/PT.txt | sort | uniq > ${cwdd}/blacklist
rm ${TMP}/OP.txt ${TMP}/PT.txt
sed -i 's|^| |g' ${cwdd}/blacklist
cp -f ${cwdd}/blacklist ${cwdd}/hosts/
python3 ${cwdd}/hosts/updateHostsFile.py
Generate unbound hosts files –
bash gen-unbound-hosts.sh
We also generate in unbound format just in case you also want DNSSEC validation in your dns queries. OpenWRT by default does not support DNSSEC. Below is how we convert the hosts file in unbound format; –
cat ${HOSTS} | grep '^0\.0\.0\.0' | awk '{print "local-zone: \""$2"\" static"}' | tee --append ${cwdd}/dist/unbound-hosts-block.conf > /dev/null
We install the hosts file in linux; —
cp -f dist/hosts /etc/
cp -f dist/hosts /private/etc
In windows; –
Install in OpenWRT with DNSMasq; –
ssh root@
cd /etc
wget https://github.com/ed-roof-maker/gateway-firewall/raw/refs/heads/main/dns/dist/hosts
It is nice to fully maximize what is freely available, openphish.com and phishtank.com, by adding these free blacklists to all your DNS resolvers. Combine your custom DNS resolver with a country firewall, and you have made some magic into your devices.
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