A memory palace is a place where you store information.
The location of the palace should be familiar, like your childhood house.
But the items inside it, should be imaginary, and resemble a portion of your password.
The best way to build your palace is to draw it.
There are many places to find icons for memory palaces. I like to use the noun project. https://thenounproject.com/
Here is an example palace for the below password; –
When using the above tool, it identified it as strong.
We may memorize it by the below palace.
Where h8vb, means we hate vegetables. Where lyksalm0n, means we like salmon. With this memory jogger, overtime this long password will be easy to remember.
Multiple passwords can be memorized this way, especially if you print out your palaces.
I hope this helps people resist the impact of ransomware attacks.
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